Whistleblower / False Claims Act
For whistleblowers who are aware that the government is being defrauded, a False Claims Act qui tam action is a great way to expose wrong-doing while enjoying financial benefits of doing the right thing.

Under the federal False Claims Act, anyone can sue a company or person who is defrauding the government and collect a portion of money recovered. Sometimes, the government will intervene in the case. In other situations, if the government decides not to step in, whistleblowers can continue to pursue the case on their own.
“On their own,” though, does not mean they have to face a company and its legal team without an experienced False Claims Act attorney standing with them. Griffin Humphries has the experience to help whistleblowers ready to expose government fraud.
Though whistleblower cases can crop up in any government agency, they’re most common in healthcare. Medicare and Medicaid violations include:
- Phantom billing for services not provided
- Billing for unnecessary tests or procedures
- “Upcoding” and billing for more-complex, and more expensive, services than were provided
- Kickbacks in the form of money or gifts in exchange for referrals for Medicare or Medicaid services or treatments
- Stark Act violations involving referrals to an entity with which the referring healthcare provider or a family member has a financial stake.
If you’re aware of government fraud, contact Griffin Humphries to see how our False Claims Act attorneys can help.