Securities Fraud / Ponzi Schemes

Securities fraud and Ponzi schemes are two related areas of legal practice that deal with financial crimes and investor protection.

Securities Fraud / Ponzi Schemes

Securities fraud refers to deceptive practices involving the sale or purchase of securities, such as stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments. These practices can include misrepresentation, omission of material facts, insider trading, and market manipulation. 

Ponzi schemes, named after the infamous fraudster Charles Ponzi, are a specific type of securities fraud. In a Ponzi scheme, fraudsters lure investors with promises of high returns and use money from new investors to pay off earlier investors, creating the illusion of profitability. These schemes inevitably collapse when there are not enough new investors to sustain the payouts. Legal professionals in this area often work to uncover and prosecute Ponzi schemes, as well as to assist victims in recovering their losses.

Griffin Humphries attorneys represent investors who have been victims of fraud, and they defend individuals or companies accused of committing securities fraud. The attorneys at Griffin Humphries have a strong understanding of securities laws, financial markets, and white-collar crime. They often work closely with financial experts, forensic accountants, and investigators to build and prosecute cases.