Product Liability

Griffin Humphries has represented clients in many complex product liability cases. Our product liability attorneys understand the legal and investigative skills needed to help victims of defective products get the help they deserve.

November 3, 2023   •   

Fair Labor Standards / Wage & Hour

Lawsuits involving wage issues have been on the rise, as employees become more aware of their rights. The employment law attorneys at Griffin Humphries have the skills and experience to help resolve matters involving state or federal law.

November 3, 2023   •   

Whistleblower / False Claims Act

Under the federal False Claims Act, anyone can sue a company or person who is defrauding the government and collect a portion of money recovered. Griffin Humphries has the experience to help whistleblowers ready to expose government fraud.

November 3, 2023   •   

Professional Negligence

Some attorneys will not sue other lawyers. Griffin Humphries is not “some attorneys.” We believe in holding the legal profession accountable and will fight for those who have a legal malpractice claim against lawyers who mishandled their cases.

September 21, 2023   •   

Health Care Litigation

Griffin Humphries defends licensed professionals before administrative agencies and doctors and hospitals in courts. We work hard to give professionals the best possible chance of prevailing before the South Carolina Labor Licensing and Regulation Board.

September 21, 2023   •   

Federal Criminal Defense

Griffin Humphries has the legal knowledge, in-depth experience and up-close familiarity with federal criminal law to build the strongest possible defense for those accused of a range of white-collar crimes.

September 21, 2023   •   

Estate Litigation

From fighting to correct the errors of other attorneys that defeat the client’s true intent to exposing abuse of authority, the estate litigation lawyers at Griffin Humphries have the experience you can rely on.

September 21, 2023   •   

Business Litigation

The Griffin Humphries business dispute attorneys have extensive experience in state and federal courts throughout South Carolina. We’ve also represented clients in arbitration, mediation, and administrative hearings.

September 21, 2023   •   

Securities Fraud / Ponzi Schemes

With a strong understanding of securities laws, financial markets, and white-collar crime, Griffin Humphries represents victims of fraud and defend individuals or companies accused of committing securities fraud.

September 21, 2023   •   

Administrative Licensing

The attorneys at Griffin Humphries have experience that healthcare and other licensed professionals can count on when their reputations are on the line.

September 21, 2023   •   

Disclaimer: Any information posted about cases is intended only to be representative of the firm’s practice. These examples are not intended to, and cannot be relied upon, to predict the results in any other case.

Disclaimer: This page contains links to websites maintained by third parties. The content and comments of these third-party sites are not under the control of Griffin Humphries, and our firm assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained there.